it is rather forward of you to say such things 意味

  • 君がそんなことを言うのはちょっと生意気だ


        as you say:    あなたが言うとおり、あなたがそう言うのならそうでしょう I will do exactly as you say.
        say things:    とやかく言う
        i would rather not say:     I would ráther not sáy. そのことにはお答えしたくありません.
        or rather i should say:    ~というよりは
        as you look forward:    今後{こんご}に目を向けると
        anything you say:     ánything you sày! ((略式))おっしゃる通り,そのようにいたします《◆依頼への返答;時に気のない返事にも用いる》.
        do you mean to say:    まさか~と言うのではないでしょうね?◆驚きを表す
        even if you say so:    そんなこと言ったって
        how can you say that:     Hòw can you sáy that? よく言うね《◆あきれた気持を表わす》.
        how say you:     Hòw sáy you? ?say 【動】 .
        if you say so:     If you sáy só. (もし君がそう言うなら)そうだろうよ《◆「自分はそう思わないが」という含み》.
        if you will permit to say it:    そのような言い方が許されるなら[をしてもよいとすれば]
        say what you like:    〈主に英〉あなたが反対{はんたい}しようと[不服{ふふく}だとしても?何と言おうと]
        say what you will:    〈主に英〉あなたが反対{はんたい}しようと[不服{ふふく}だとしても?何と言おうと]
        what did you say:     Whát did you sáy? (1) [] (よく聞えなかったので)もう一度言って(?I beg your PARDON .(pardon 【名】 成句))《◆縮約形としてWhat?ということがあるが,親しい友人以外には失礼な言い方となる》. (2) [] [尋問して](相手が信じられないことを言ったのに対し) 何と言ったか,何だって《◆((米略式))ではcrazy,nutsを用い


  1. "it is rare to find such an attractive property so near to london" 意味
  2. "it is rash to apply one's own standards of beauty to other cultures" 意味
  3. "it is rather cold today" 意味
  4. "it is rather difficult to understand his doctrine" 意味
  5. "it is rather disappointing to hear that…" 意味
  6. "it is rather tough to have to get up at 5:00 every morning" 意味
  7. "it is rather uncomfortable here, but i like it" 意味
  8. "it is really one thing, with diverse forms of manifestation" 意味
  9. "it is really quite astonishing that she survived the fall" 意味
  10. "it is rather difficult to understand his doctrine" 意味
  11. "it is rather disappointing to hear that…" 意味
  12. "it is rather tough to have to get up at 5:00 every morning" 意味
  13. "it is rather uncomfortable here, but i like it" 意味

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